Style transfer- Coloring and inking artist are about to loose their jobs.

Animation is an art form that is born from technology, and with technology constantly evolving, ways of animation will also evolve. My recent posts and a few upcoming posts will cover art generated using machine learning and AI. 

Text to imagePeotic images using Ai and introduction to colab

Using Derrick's Collab I experimented and generated a few artworks. You can make a copy of the collab and try it yourself. 

As the name suggests, you can transfer style from one image to another image/video. Maybe I will jump into the details of how it works and its history in another post. 

These are my examples. I used my old illustration as style and transferred it on some videos.

 the original footage is from Berlin - 1945 

 Few other examples. 

Style transfer with KLU -


You can see how this can be used to color complete animations. This way creators can focus on the fun creative things and leave the coloring to the Ai. 

Feel free to share your views with me on Twitter or Instagram.


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