When Reality Bends: Five Moments in Illustration

It's fascinating how everyday objects can trick the eye. Take my duvet, for instance - rumpled and twisted one morning, it sparked an entire narrative. What looked like a cozy mess transformed into "Things I See," where a bound figure emerged from innocent bedroom chaos, playing with the line between comfort and confinement.

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"Beer in the Shower" captures one of those 'why didn't I think of this before' moments. A couple sharing a cold one under warm water - it's intimate, playful, and somehow perfectly logical. Sometimes the best ideas are hiding in plain sight, just waiting for someone to connect the dots.

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In "Solid Lake," nature becomes emotion. A storm-struck body of water, its surface transformed into something almost tangible. You can't quite see it, but you can hear it - the way love sometimes feels. The rocks frame it like a moment caught between states, while a content giant lounges in the mountain backdrop, completely at peace with the chaos below.

Hit by storm, like love.
Can't see it well, but sounds like it. 
bright like a color, surrounded by rocks. 

"Thought of a Better Me" emerged from those countless mirror moments we all have. There's something surreal about watching a hand reach through the reflection, painting the real person standing there. It's about that gap between how we see ourselves and how we wish to be seen, or maybe about finally seeing ourselves clearly through another's eyes.

The series closes with "State of Mind," where a lone figure runs against a human tide. Is it rebellion? Necessity? Sometimes swimming against the current is the only way to stay true to your course, even if you're not sure where it leads.
State of mind or an observed reality.
Also available as NFT here 


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