Gujrat to Goa- Highways to watercolors

Hey wanderlusters and art enthusiasts! Grab your helmets and watercolors, because we're about to embark on a journey that spans 1,700 kilometers of Gujarat's vast landscapes and dips into the serene shores of Goa. Two completely different adventures, one transformative experience. Let's ride!

Part 1: The Gujarat Chronicles - 1,700 km of Self-Discovery

You know how sometimes you need to get lost to find yourself? Well, that's exactly what happened when Apurv and I decided to motorcycle through Gujarat. Now, I'll be honest - Gujarat wasn't exactly at the top of my travel bucket list, and spoiler alert this trip didn't exactly change my mind. But sometimes, the journey matters more than the destination.

The Road Less Photographed

Here's the funny thing - we barely took any photos. Not because there wasn't anything to capture, but because we were too busy being... present. Between the endless highways and the wind farms that made our bike look like a toy, there was something hypnotic about the journey. We did manage to capture a few moments though:

The Goat Committee: Ever been judged by a group of goats? Trust me, it's an experience. They stood there on the street, looking at us like we were the weird ones.

The Bovine Audience: And then there were the cows, our constant spectators. I swear they were reviewing our riding skills.

Wind Farm Symphony: Picture this - our lone motorcycle, dwarfed by massive wind turbines, creating a scene straight out of Don Quixote (minus the whole fighting windmills part).

Nal Sarovar: The Unexpected Cherry on Top

You know that feeling when you're really not keen on doing something, but then it turns out to be amazing? That was Nal Sarovar for me. After torturing our butts for days on the bike, that boat ride was like a spa treatment for our souls. Note to self: stop being skeptical about new experiences (remembering Kalsubai here).

After some "unfortunate events" (we'll save those stories for another day), this was exactly the break I needed. Sometimes you have to put 1,700 kilometers between you and your problems to get a fresh perspective.

Part 2: Goa - Where Watercolors Meet Waves

And then there was Goa. Oh, Goa! Talk about a change of scenery!

Thanks to Duprat sir's gentle nudging (read: loving push), I found myself doing something I'd never done before - painting outdoors. Every morning, I'd wake up, grab my watercolors, and try to capture Goa's essence. Did I succeed? Well, let's say it was a beautiful #FAIL.
There's something magical about painting in the open air. The way the morning light plays with the waves, how the palm trees dance in the breeze, and how your watercolors decide to do their own thing regardless of your plans. It's humbling, really.

In Conclusion: The Art of Movement

Whether it's riding through Gujarat's vast landscapes or trying to capture Goa's essence in watercolors, there's something profound about movement - both physical and artistic. Sometimes you need to move through space to find stillness in your mind, and sometimes you need to sit still with your watercolors to capture movement in your art.

Until next time, keep moving, keep creating, and for heaven's sake, don't forget to stretch after long motorcycle rides!


  1. Brilliant stuff man. Yeah right fail. It's got the impression of the place, and that's amazing. I suck at watercolors. It just becomes a messy stained patch of color on my sheet. These are absolutely beautiful. Great work, I wanna see more!


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