Drawing the Lines Between Then and Now

Hey there, fellow memory collectors and sketch enthusiasts! Today's post is a bit different - it's a collection of moments, memories, and slightly finished sketches that somehow tell the story of who I am. Grab a cup of something warm, because we're about to get personal.

in this one I pushed the series too far

The Great Technology Role Reversal

You know you're officially in the future when you're teaching your parents how to use their new gadgets. Just yesterday, at dinner, we were all huddled around my parents' new toys from Singapore - a tablet for Dad and a smartphone for Mom, courtesy of my brother.

Mid-tutorial, my brother dropped this truth bomb: "Remember when Dad got me my first phone? He taught me everything about it. Now look at us!"

It's funny how life works, isn't it? They teach us to walk, and years later, we're helping them navigate the digital landscape. Circle of life, but make it tech.

Shooting Down Problems (Metaphorically, Of Course)

Life's been throwing some curveballs lately, not just at me but at my amigos too. After blasting Eminem's "NOT AFRAID" (seriously, give it a listen), I decided to get metaphorical with my sketches. Because sometimes, you just need to visualize shooting your problems and letting go.

Mom's Cooking: A Love Story

Not a single day goes by when I don't miss my mom's cooking. Sure, everyone says their mom's food is the best, but my mom? She genuinely loves cooking. It's her love language.

Let me tell you a story from 2005. My brother and I were at an NCC camp in Lonavala during Diwali. Mom wasn't having any of that "my kids away during festivals" business. So what did she do? Made sweets. Not just for us - for 40-50 people! Because heaven forbid her sons should have to share their tiffin!

Years later, my friends still talk about that camp. That's just Mom - feeding the world, one sweet at a time.

I made her a quick birthday sketch recently. If I were in Pune, she'd have whipped up a cake in return (and trust me, it would've been way better than my sketch). Happy birthday, Mom!

The Wall of Beliefs

When I moved into my new room, I put up these posters - reminders of what I believed in (or used to believe in). Take Spider-Man and Venom, for instance. It's a perfect metaphor for life's temptations and the battle within. Sometimes discovering yourself means fighting yourself.

I put these up on my blog as public accountability - a reminder of my beliefs, even as they evolve.

From Geeks to Nudes (Wait, That Came Out Wrong)

Remember the "Geeks & Freaks" party invites? (Special shoutout to Daksh B for that one!) Then there's MaaTrisha, a birthday gift for maa, where I flexed my Photoshop muscles a bit.

And then there's that folder of nude studies that I decided needed some clothes. Because sometimes, even art needs to be modest! 😉
MaaTrisha !! a birthday gift for maa..
took a chance to try out my photoshop skills ;p

The Unexpected Cat Lady (or Gentleman)

Never thought I'd say this, but I miss my cats. There's something eerily quiet about late-night work sessions without them running over my keyboard, pressing random shortcuts, or knocking things over in the background.

The funny thing is, they never cared about what was on the screen. They'd just plop themselves on the keyboard, face me, and demand attention. Classic cats.

In Progress, Like Life Itself

These sketches are like life - slightly finished, always in progress. There's something beautiful about the unfinished nature of things, the potential for more. I'm hoping to see more soon, to keep adding to this collection of moments and memories.

A Final Note

Life's weird, isn't it? One day you're learning to walk, the next you're teaching your parents about smartphones. One day you're sharing tiffin, the next you're missing home-cooked meals. One day you hate cats, the next you're missing their keyboard-walking shenanigans.

But that's what makes it beautiful - the evolution, the memories, the slightly finished sketches of life that we keep drawing.

Keep sketching, keep evolving, and for goodness' sake, call your mom!


  1. You weren't afraid. Still you shot yourself? Thats fucked up.

  2. thats why i also linked the song. 'i'm not afraid to kill the past me' because shit happens man!

  3. Accepting and living with your past will make you an even stronger being.

  4. well said sanchit...u cant just shoot away ur troubles...but should grow from them!


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