A Pixel Odyssey: My Cinema 4D Journey and Urban Reflections

Hey there, digital dreamers and urban explorers! Buckle up, because we're about to embark on a wild ride through the pixelated landscapes of my mind. From the gritty greys of urban India to the ethereal realms of Cinema 4D, this post is a kaleidoscope of thoughts, creations, and maybe a dash of existential pondering. Ready? Let's dive in!

Urban Grey: The Unseen Spectrum

Every time I return to India, I'm struck by the greyness of the cities. Not the rain-soaked grey of Vancouver, mind you, but a different beast altogether. It's a grey that seeps into your mood, making you hyper-aware of every little thing that would've seemed charming to a tourist's eyes.

Now available as an NFT  at OpenSea

Here's the kicker: I don't feel at home, yet I feel a sense of ownership. It's like being the grumpy landlord of your own emotions. Urban spaces are puzzles, and as an outsider, you're the piece that doesn't quite fit... yet.

But hey, I turned this grey contemplation into art! You can now own a piece of my urban melancholy as an NFT on OpenSea. Because nothing says "I understand the human condition" like owning a digital representation of existential dread, right?

Mirror, Mirror, in the Desert

Speaking of existential dread, check out my piece "Then again I don't have much depth." Picture this: a mirror in an endless desert. Deep? Maybe. A bit on the nose? Possibly. But hey, sometimes you've got to hit people over the head with metaphors. It's like a visual dad joke, but for philosophers.

Home Sweet Home: A Lovely Abstraction

Not all my art comes from a place of urban angst. "Lovely" is based on the warm fuzzies I get from living with family. It's a flow state creation, combining soft and sharp forms like life itself. Think of it as a visual hug, with a side of isometric comfort.

You can own this artwork here

Want to own a piece of this domestic bliss? You can! Because nothing says "I love my family" like selling digital representations of that love. (I kid, I kid... mostly.)

I feel I always address negative feelings hence, make a point to speak of the good things. Link to my 3D illustration portfolio

Using Cinema 4D, I've been experimenting with typography in unconmon compositions. It's not groundbreaking in the Instagram sea of content, but it's mine, and I'm proud of it. It's basically just juxtaposing elements, but don't tell anyone - let them think it's complex.

Blast from the Past: Web Covers That Never Were

Remember those web covers I made ages ago? The ones with three heads shrink-wrapped in plastic? Yeah, those never made it to the website, but they hold a special place in my heart. They're like the embarrassing photos from your emo phase - you wouldn't use them now, but you can't bring yourself to delete them.

The Shrink-Wrap Tutorial No One Asked For

For those of you dying to know how to shrink-wrap digital heads (and who isn't?), here's a quick rundown:

  1. Create a sphere, make it a hexahedron (fancy, right?)
  2. Add another sphere, subdivide it (because more polygons = more fun)
  3. Use the connect deformer, play with cloth tags, and voila!

It's like gift-wrapping, but for 3D enthusiasts with too much time on their hands.

"Even if I don't know quite exactly where I want to be
I'm not gonna stay here stuck in someone else's dream
Maybe I'll find mine's a nightmare, but I don't even care
I just wanna live inside my own dream"
-Absofacto (Someone Else's Dream)

This is availble as an NFT here 

Luxuries We Complain About

And now, a moment of poetic introspection:

"Thoughts stay inside. With no shine around, this heart is too big, it will not fit in your house."

But here's a thought: whether you're good, bad, cute, or ugly, we all make it to the end eventually. It's like a cosmic participation trophy - everyone's a winner in the game of mortality!

Luxuries from shashrvaCAI on Vimeo.

individual sketches of this project are available as NFTs 

Too Big for you - https://foundation.app/@Cai/too-big-for-you-11249

related posts - Everyone makes it to the end and Special Bondage

In Conclusion: Life, Art, and Everything in Between

So there you have it, folks - a journey through the grey cities of India, the colorful realms of Cinema 4D, and the often perplexing landscape of the human psyche. Whether you're creating 3D typography, shrink-wrapping digital heads, or just trying to figure out your place in the urban puzzle, remember: we're all just pixels in the great digital artwork of life.

Stay creative, stay questioning, and for goodness' sake, don't shrink-wrap your actual head.

Until next time, keep your hearts big and your renderings smooth!

P.S. If anyone needs me, I'll be trying to fit my oversized heart into the tiny apartments of urban India. Wish me luck! 
