Code Chronicles: A Year in Pixels and Algorithms

Hello, fellow digital dreamers! It's been a whirlwind year since my last post, and I'm excited to share the fruits of my coding labors with you. As I look back, I'm amazed at how quickly time has flown and how much my digital art has evolved. Let's dive into this pixelated time capsule together!

A Year in Review: The Poster Child of Progress

Feeling overwhelmed by the sheer volume of work I've produced, I decided to create a poster showcasing all my projects. It's a visual testament to a long year that, paradoxically, seemed to pass in the blink of an eye. This poster isn't just a collection of images; it's a roadmap of my creative coding journey through 2017.

Geometric Blooms: When Shapes Become Flowers

One of my favorite discoveries this year was how spinning simple geometric shapes could transform into beautiful, flower-like patterns:
It's fascinating how a few lines of code can mimic nature's intricate designs. These digital blooms opened up a whole new garden of possibilities in my work. There came a point in my explorations where something magical happened - the computer seemed to take charge. The algorithms I'd set in motion began producing results I hadn't explicitly programmed, leading to unexpected and often beautiful outcomes. It was a humbling reminder of the collaborative nature of creative coding.

OBEY: The Art of Digital Compliance

One of my proudest achievements this year is a piece I call "OBEY". In this work, particles obey commands as text appears on the sketch:

I'm thrilled to announce that "OBEY" is now available as an NFT on Foundation: OBEY NFT. It's exciting to see my code-based art enter the world of blockchain and digital ownership.

Rectangles Reimagined: Code Trees

Who would have thought that simple rectangles could create such beautiful tree structures? These code trees are a perfect example of how basic shapes, when arranged with the right algorithm, can produce complex, organic-looking forms:

Simple physics behaviour fail 


Not every experiment was a success, of course. My attempts at simple physics behaviors sometimes failed spectacularly. But even in failure, there were lessons to be learned and often unexpected beauty to be found.

Interactive Waves: Riding the Mouse

One of my more intriguing pieces this year involves waves whose definitions are altered by mouse interaction:

It's a mesmerizing blend of code and user input, creating a unique experience with every interaction.

Dithering: Finding Beauty in the "Low Quality"

I've developed a deep appreciation for dithering techniques. While some might dismiss dithered images as low quality, I've fallen in love with the textures they create:

I had to show off all my coding tricks so here is an compilation of my codes

Creative Coding reel from shashrvaCAI on Vimeo.

There's something nostalgic and aesthetically pleasing about these pixelated patterns that harken back to early computer graphics.

Compilation: A Coding Tricks Showcase

To celebrate all I've learned, I put together a compilation of my favorite coding tricks. You can check out my Creative Coding reel on Vimeo to see these digital wonders in motion.

Reflections on a Code-Filled Year

As I look back on this year, it's safe to say that code has become an integral part of my life. Everything I do now seems to have a coding component to it. It's been a transformative journey, one that has changed how I see and interact with the world around me.

What's Next in Our Coding Saga?

As we step into a new year of creative coding, I'm excited to push the boundaries even further. What new algorithms will we discover? How will emerging technologies like AI and VR influence our digital art? The possibilities are as endless as the pixels on our screens.

So, fire up your IDEs, let your imagination run wild, and remember - in the world of creative coding, there are no bugs, only unexpected features!

Until next time, may your code be elegant and your output spectacular!

This journey is getting longer and longer. Check out the earlier parts here part fivepart fourpart threePart Two, and Part one.

Don't forget to check out my latest video compilations and visit my website for high-res images and live demos!

Don't forget to follow my daily musings on Twitter/X and Instagram for more behind-the-scenes peeks into my creative process.


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