From Star Fields to Fractals: My Journey Through Creative Coding

See my Coding journey before this? Click here. Hey there, fellow digital art enthusiasts! It's been quite a ride since I first dipped my toes into the world of creative coding. Remember when my friend Sanchit and I were struggling to create a star field in After Effects using pirated plugins? Well, fast forward to today, and I’m building interactive star meshes that respond to user actions. Talk about a glow-up!

The Beauty of Fractals and Nature-Inspired Code

One of my favorite discoveries has been the world of fractals. There's something magical about how a simple rule - one branch leads to two, two leads to four - can create such breathtaking complexity. It's like watching the seasons change in code:

This piece reminds me of the cyclical nature of, well, nature. It's a digital ode to the beauty we often overlook in our busy lives. Maybe we should all take a moment to appreciate these small wonders more often.

Rainy Days and Coding Nights

Even on days when I don't have much time to code, I find joy in simple projects. Like this rain simulation:


It's a gentle reminder that sometimes, it's okay to just sit back and watch the (digital) rain fall.

The Power of Attraction in Code and Thought

One of my favorite animations explores the concept of mental fixation:

It's fascinating how this simple attractor model mirrors the way ideas can consume our thoughts. In today's fast-paced digital world, it's a visual representation of how easily we can become obsessed with concepts, trends, or even the latest viral TikTok dance!
 Once your mind gets an idea, you can't think of anything else. 
till you are completely infected by it. 

Mathematical Beauty and Bougainvillea Breezes

I'm still in awe of how mathematical formulas can create such stunning visuals. This piece, inspired by bougainvillea swaying in the wind, is a prime example:

Even though I'm still learning the math behind it (thank you, Wikipedia!), the results speak for themselves. It's a beautiful fusion of nature, mathematics, and digital art.


The Butterfly Effect in Creative Coding

A small change in initial conditions can lead to dramatically different results. This simple for-loop creation illustrates that concept perfectly:

In our interconnected digital age, it's a poignant reminder of how small actions can have far-reaching consequences.

The Surprising Nature of Code

Just when I think I've got it figured out, my code surprises me with unexpected beauty:

It's these moments of serendipity that keep me coming back to creative coding. In a world where AI can generate art with a text prompt, there's something special about crafting these digital ecosystems by hand.

Embracing AI and the Future of Digital Art

Speaking of AI, my journey has now led me to explore AI-generated art. It's mind-blowing how far we've come from those early days of struggling with After Effects. Today, we can create entire worlds with just a few words.

While I'll always cherish the hands-on aspect of coding, I'm excited to see how AI tools can augment and inspire our creativity. It's not about replacing human artists but expanding our creative possibilities.

Conclusion: The Never-ending Adventure

From Processing sketches to AI collaborations, this journey through creative coding has been nothing short of amazing. Each new discovery feels like unlocking a secret door to infinite creative possibilities.

As we stand at the intersection of traditional art, creative coding, and AI-generated content, I can't help but feel we're on the brink of a new renaissance in digital art. Whether you're a seasoned coder or just starting out, there's never been a more exciting time to dive into this world. So, what's next on this creative coding adventure? I'm not entirely sure, but I know it'll be beautiful, surprising, and probably a little bit mathematical. Stay tuned!


Want to see more of my creative journey? Check out my live drawings and visit my website for the latest updates!

Don't forget to follow my daily musings on Twitter/X and Instagram for more behind-the-scenes peeks into my creative process.
