Digital Dreams: My Third Journey Through Creative Coding with Processing

Hello, fellow digital dreamers! Welcome to the third installment of my Processing adventures. It's been quite a ride since I first dipped my toes into the world of creative coding, and I'm excited to share with you some of my latest discoveries and happy accidents. 

Waves of Wonder

Let's start with something deceptively simple yet mesmerizing. Who knew that spinning ellipses could create such a convincing illusion of waves?

The result is hypnotic, isn't it? It's a beautiful reminder that complexity often arises from simplicity in the world of generative art.

Flow Fields and Brain Waves

Next up, we have my favorite result from experimenting with flow fields. The contrast created by adjusting the background transparency is simply stunning.

As the code for flow fields gets more complex, I can't help but imagine this is what changing ideas in our brains might look like if we could visualize them. It's a digital dance of thoughts and creativity!

The Dream Machine Reimagined

Remember that trick where someone moves their hands above a sleeping person's face in sunlight, creating erratic shadows? My teacher once told me this could induce visuals behind closed eyelids — a "dream machine" of sorts. While I'm still trying to convince my friends this works, I've created a crude visualization of the concept:

It's not quite the same as the sun-and-shadow trick, but there's something mesmerizing about these digital dreams, don't you think?

Dynamic Brushes and Happy Accidents

One of the joys of creative coding is stumbling upon unexpected beauty. While trying to create dynamic brushes in Processing, I've discovered some truly captivating results:


It's moments like these that remind me why I fell in love with generative art. You set out to create one thing and end up discovering a whole new world of possibilities along the way.

By the way I started by wanting to make this

Twisted Beauty

Speaking of unexpected results, check out these beautiful patterns created from a single twisted line:

I may have lost track of which day of the coding challenge this was, but who's counting when the results are this mesmerizing?

below are just some video tricks on the videos of processing code. 

Blending Worlds: Code Meets 3D

In my latest experiments, I've been trying to blend my coding work with the 3D world. It's like introducing noise to the Matrix:

This fusion of digital and dimensional is opening up exciting new avenues for my work. Who knows where this rabbit hole will lead?

Fractal Fascination

And of course, I couldn't resist diving deeper into the world of fractals: 

There's something endlessly fascinating about these self-replicating patterns. They're nature's code, and recreating them digitally feels like unlocking a secret language of the universe.

Wanna see my journey before this - CLick here

and check out the beginning of the journey here - Click here.

Reflections on the Journey

As I look back on this third chapter of my Processing adventures, I'm struck by how far I've come and how much there's still to explore. Each line of code is a brushstroke in a vast digital canvas, and the possibilities seem endless.

What started as a simple curiosity has blossomed into a full-blown passion. From wave illusions to dream machines, from flow fields to fractals, each experiment has taught me something new about art, code, and the beautiful intersection between them.

What's Next?

As I continue this journey, I'm excited to push the boundaries even further. What happens when we introduce machine learning into these generative art pieces? How can we use code to not just create art, but to interact with and reshape our physical world?

These are the questions that keep me coding late into the night, and I can't wait to share the answers (and the inevitable new questions) with you in future posts.

Until then, keep dreaming in code!

Want to see more of my creative journey? Check out my live drawings and visit my website for the latest updates!

Don't forget to follow my daily musings on Twitter/X and Instagram for more behind-the-scenes peeks into my creative process.


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