Sketchook 30 - Digital Archaeology and Other Disappointments

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The sketch below is over my french practice classes

Ever had your computer throw you a curveball that makes you question your entire digital existence? There I was, doing my usual cmd+space dance (my go-to for finding anything on this Mac), when I misspelled "after-effects." Instead of my editing software, up pops this image of a naked woman. As a single, admittedly horny guy, my first thought was: "Since when do I have nude art I don't know about?"

Down the rabbit hole I went. Turns out, this digital breadcrumb trail led back to my blog-scraping project from earlier this year. After failing miserably with Python scripts, I'd reached out to friends for help. One buddy shared his scraping script – and apparently, his entire scraped history came along for the ride. Spoiler alert: it wasn't just blog data.
The real kicker? Hidden in there were photos that definitely weren't professional adult content – they looked scraped from social media. This friend had been playing mad scientist with AI, trying to morph faces onto adult content. Clever? Maybe. Ethical? That's a whole other conversation.
So what did I do with this accidental discovery? Delete it immediately? Please – I'm an artist, not a saint. I decided to sketch them first. Call it a study in human form if you want to get fancy about it.
Meanwhile I also came across this video - (you need a facebook account to view it)

Speaking of discoveries, can we talk about the sheer volume of foot fetish content? I always thought it was some internet joke, but nope – there are entire folders dedicated to "footsie." Here's the thing: all I can think about is how dirty those feet must be. And it hits me – in all my years of sketching, I've drawn surprisingly few genitals. Talk about gaps in artistic education.

The sketches that followed became a kind of nightmare fuel. You know how some women seem uncertain around male anatomy? Well, imagine trusting someone's feet in that situation. It gives me the same anxiety as my cousin driving without insurance – sure, it might be fine, but what if it isn't?

I should probably rename this series "Daily Disappointments." Speaking of which – failed my driving test today. Nothing like questioning your entire life's trajectory because you can't parallel park. The real kick in the teeth? I think these tests are stupid, and I still failed. Great headspace for creating art, right?

this is the part of me that is recycling paper by using my Japanese practice book sto draw to work on my skills. 
But here we are – recycling my Japanese practice books into sketch paper, because why master one skill when you can half-ass two? And yes, I'm fully aware I'm destroying perfectly good study material in the name of "art." But isn't that what we're all doing, in our own ways?

the ones below are also done in my japanes practice notebook - a bit of procastination


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