Sketchbook 7: Dadas, Superheroes, and Bong Dinners

Find sketchbook 6 here

Hey there, sketch squadrons! We're back with another installment of "My Life in Ink and Awkward Moments." Buckle up, because this time we're diving into childhood memories, superhero musings, and the great Bengali food caper.

The Great Greeting Card Incident of Diwali Past

Picture this: Little me, cocky as a rooster with a new hairdo, boasting about my drawing skills. Mom asks for Diwali cards, and I'm all "pffft, easy peasy." But then...

Enter Dada, the unexpected teacher of life lessons.

Me: drops card on floor "Whatevs, I'll make another." Dada: "Why not toss it out the window then?" Me: with peak teen attitude "Go ahead!" Dada: actually throws it

Cue internal meltdown. I checked the window sill, hoping it was a bluff. Nope. Gone with the wind, like my attitude.

Lesson learned: Your art matters, kiddo. Even when you pretend it doesn't.

So, happy birthday, Dada! I bet you can't throw this blog post out the window. (Though with your tech skills, you might accidentally delete the whole internet trying.)

Watercolor Experiments: Because Life's Too Short for Just One Medium

Feast your eyes on some watercolor experiments. It's like my usual sketches decided to take a dip in a rainbow. Results vary from "Ooh, artsy!" to "Did a unicorn sneeze on my sketchbook?"


Superman: The Man of Steal (My Attention)

Confession time: I was never a Superman fan. All that power, yet he's often portrayed dumber than a box of Kryptonite. But then... "Man of Steel" trailer drops, and suddenly I'm intrigued.

Christopher Nolan's involved? Now we're talking! I'm ready to see Supes actually struggle with his humanity. No more phone booth quick-changes and "golly gee" moments, please.

Texture Tales: Shadows and Sleepers

Ever wonder what happens when you mix textured shadows with sketches of unsuspecting people? Magic, that's what. Check out my latest series – it's like catching people's shadows having a party without them.

And because I can't resist a man in a cape (looking at you, Superman), I gave Batman the texture treatment too. It's like he's emerging from the shadows, or maybe just really needs to exfoliate.


Dadar Station: Where Sleep Goes to Party

Speaking of sleep, Dadar station is apparently Mumbai's favorite napping spot. My sketchbook is now a catalogue of "101 Ways to Sleep Sitting Up." Personal favorite: the guy who looks like he's practicing for a role in "The Exorcist."

these were at dadar station
  some in the night mess

The Great Bong Dinner Saga

Picture this: A mess hall transformed into a Bengali food paradise. It's like watching seagulls at the beach, except instead of sand, it's rosogolla, and instead of seagulls, it's... well, us.

This year was different, though. Our resident Bengali food fairies, Moutrisha and Wrik, were off celebrating Durga Puja. The result? Chaos. Delicious, slightly disorganized chaos.

For three years, Moutrisha's been our surrogate Bengali mom, stuffing us with beefy goodness and more rosogolla than should be legally allowed. Wrik? The Flash of food service, making sure no plate stayed empty for long.

To the junior tasked with filling their shoes: You tried, buddy. But waiting 15 minutes with an empty plate? That's like dog years in hungry-student time.

Mou and Wriky, we missed you. The food was great, but it lacked that special ingredient – your lovingly aggressive overfeeding.

That's all for now, folks! Remember, whether it's greeting cards, superhero critiques, or Bengal-inspired food comas, life's too short not to sketch it all.

Until next time, keep your pencils sharp and your plates ready for seconds!Lets get in touch on Insta and 

P.S. Mou and Wriky, if you're reading this, we're still waiting for our make-up rosogolla feast. No pressure, but... tick-tock!


  1. Just because i am reading this on my phone i ain't throwing this out of the window ..... Thanks bro ....

  2. Nice one Rhutu, makes me nostalgic...taking me back to school and college... he has taught me a thing or two this way too!! Happy Birthday Bans!!


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