Capturing Life in Real-Time: My Live Drawing Adventure

Hey there, art enthusiasts and curious onlookers! Grab your sketchpads and sharpen those pencils, because we're about to dive into the exhilarating world of live drawing. Join me as I recount my journey from nervous newbie to... well, slightly less nervous artist-in-progress!

The First Stroke: VFS Kicks Off the Adventure

Let's start at the beginning, shall we? Picture this: me, standing in front of a live model for the first time at Vancouver Film School (VFS), pencil shaking slightly in my hand. I won't lie – I was equal parts terrified and thrilled. But as soon as that first line hit the paper, something magical happened. The world narrowed to just me, my pencil, and the living, breathing subject before me.

This session at VFS wasn't just my first live drawing experience; it was a revelation. The energy in the room, the rapid-fire poses, the challenge of capturing essence rather than perfection – it was all wildly refreshing. I left that session with a newfound addiction to the adrenaline rush of live drawing.

Café Creativity: Anticafe Montreal

Next stop on our artistic tour: Anticafe Montreal. If you've never tried sketching in a café, let me tell you, it's a whole different ballgame. The aroma of coffee, the soft murmur of conversations, and the ever-changing cast of characters made for a dynamic drawing environment.

At Anticafe, I learned the art of quick observation. Capturing the essence of someone sipping their latte before they move or the fleeting expression of a person engrossed in a book – it was like trying to bottle lightning. But oh, what a thrill!

another session of life drawing at Basic inQuiry  with Chieh as the model

Basic Inquiry: Where Models Become Muses

Now, let's talk about Basic Inquiry. This place? It's where the magic happens. My first session here was with Chieh as the model, and let me tell you, it was anything but basic.

Chieh brought a grace and presence to her poses that challenged me to up my game. It wasn't just about drawing what I saw; it was about capturing the energy, the mood, the very essence of the moment. I left that session with graphite-stained fingers and a head full of inspiration.

Double Trouble: Wei and Chieh

But why stop at one model when you can have two? In my latest session at Basic Inquiry, I had the pleasure of drawing sisters Wei and Cheih. Talk about a dynamic duo!

Drawing two models simultaneously was like conducting an orchestra with my pencil. The interplay of poses, the silent communication between the sisters, the challenge of capturing two distinct personalities on one page – it was exhilarating and humbling all at once.

This session taught me the importance of composition and relationship in art. It wasn't just about drawing two separate figures; it was about capturing the invisible threads that connect them.

The Ongoing Masterpiece

As I look back on these live drawing experiences, I'm struck by how much I've grown – not just as an artist, but as an observer of life. Each session has been a lesson in presence, in really seeing the world and people around me.

Live drawing isn't just about creating art; it's about connecting. With the model, with fellow artists, with the very essence of what it means to be human and alive in this moment. It's raw, it's real, and it's ridiculously addictive.

To all my fellow artists out there, whether you're seasoned pros or nervous newbies like I was, I encourage you to give live drawing a try. And to those who've been my models and muses along the way – thank you. Your willingness to be seen and captured on paper is a gift beyond measure.

So, what's next on this live drawing journey? Who knows! But one thing's for sure – I'll be there, pencil in hand, ready to capture whatever life throws my way.

Stay curious, stay observant, and for goodness' sake, stay still if you're ever modeling for a live drawing session!


P.S. If you see someone in a café frantically sketching before their subject moves, that's probably me. Feel free to strike a pose – just make it quick!


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