Full metal alchemist - again ....

and again.
i'm watching it for the 3rd time, and still i'm getting goose-bumps. even though i know what is going to happen i can't wait for it to happen. 
the whole t.v. show has some such strong visuals that sum up the story.
these are stills from every episode i see. 

#1 - 'water 35L, carbon 20kg, ammonia 4L, lime1.5Kg, Phosphorus 800g, salt 250g,
Nitrogen 100g, Sulphur 80g, Florine 7.5g, Iron 5g, Silicon3g and 15 other elements are required to make a average human being. ' - edward elric

 #2'Think about yourself stand up and walk forward. you have legs' - edward elric  

#3 ' we just wanted to see our mother's smile again' - alphonso elric

#4 'it cannot be helped those two have made there decision' - pinako rockabell

 #5 'aren't you glad that i put you on the train?' - roy mustang 

 #6 -' although we are alchemists we could not do anything, aren't mothers amazing ? 

#7 'the great god who created everything, Please welcome this pitiful soul with open arms ' - Scar

#8 - ' I thought to highly of myself & thought that I could save someone.'

#9 though i'm in the military, I never sold my soul.'

#10 'You said that there are times when one must do evil.'


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